We welcome new members all year long, and your dues cover the membership year of June 1 through May 31. Please renew below.
• Need to renew your membership? CLICK HERE
• For New Members: As of 2023, we current ly offer three types of memberships for the Los Angeles chapter.
General Admission – $50
Marginalized Voice Membership – $25 for voices typically marginalized in the publishing industry.
Student Membership – $15 for people actively enrolled in college/graduate school.
Please choose your membership below:
Member Benefits:
Membership is much more fun with a friend. Invite a friend to join WNBA and share in the fun.

Benefits of membership include:
Network with WNBA professionals around the U.S. and regionally
Attend WNBA events anywhere in the country
Professional development through LA Chapter & national board positions
Get a discounted rate to enter the WNBA Annual Writing Contest
Nominate a book woman for the WNBA Award
Promote your work through the WNBA Promotional Program
Be included in our So Cal Reads Bookclub
Participate in events with our national chapters.
Members with companies or professional services:

Your logo, URL, and description featured on Meet Our Members page (For our Sponsoring Members)
Promotion through The Bookwoman
Publish articles or book reviews thru social media
Publicize books or articles you’ve published thru our Newsletter
Advertise your skills or business
Listing in our Online National Directory
National Website: Promote your book or service for an additional $30 a year
National Website: List your blog for free
Add your book to the Boston Public Library’s WNBA collection (and to the circulating collection, if desired). More information in the National Members Only section.
Facebook publicity through LA Chapter and national accounts
Twitter publicity through LA Chapter and national accounts
Learn about trends and issues in the book industry and literary world in your region and in the larger U.S.
Receive The Bookwoman, WNBA’s national newsletter
Receive LA Chapter’s newsletter
Other Types of Membership:
Sponsoring Membership: Local sponsoring membership is available to any individual, local organization, or agency that desires to make an initial or additional annual contribution to the chapter. Local sponsoring members have the full rights and privileges of active members. In addition, members are entitled to have a link on the chapter Web site and to be listed in the chapter newsletter. ($100 + $5 fee)

Network Membership: Network membership is available to anyone living more than fifty miles from the city in which the chapter is located. Network members may elect to affiliate with any WNBA chapter and are entitled to most of the rights and privileges accorded to active chapter members and to any additional benefits extended by that chapter to its members. Network membership dues are the same as the dues for active members. ($50 + $2 fee)